Tyler’s Kindergarten Picture

December 20, 2008 - Leave a Response


Nothing Else Matters

December 20, 2008 - Leave a Response

Well for all of who were holding their breath, there is no baby this month. If that sounds like a cryptic statement, it is meant to. I’m not down for discussing the nit-tay grit-tay so we’ll leave it at that. But we’re still trying despite the odds. We have plenty of time, right….?

In other news, we just took Tyler to his first concert last night. I found no sense in taking him somewhere lame, like The Jonas Bros, soooooooo we went to Metallica. Before you all get your panties in a bunch remember that Metallica is not the hardcore band it once was. It was pretty tame and pretty awesome at the same time. Tyler will alway remember seeing a band that doesn’t suck for his first concert experience. My first concert was NKOTB so please understand where I am coming from. Anyhow, he had nachos, his Nintendo DS, and did some air drumming before passing out. He was a happy camper without a doubt and I wouldn’t have wanted to share it with anyone else. Daniel had a blast too so both my boys were happy. And nothing else matters….

Desperately seeking baby

December 3, 2008 - Leave a Response

For those in the know, Daniel and I are actively trying to conceive, or TTC as the baby blogs put it (I’m getting initiated). I wanted to start a “baby journal” but my wrist pain is excrutiating of late (symptom) so why not a blog, it is almost 2009 you know. As I type this we are officially on countdown to discovering my uterine status, pregnant or not so much. If not, I’m having the world’s worst PMS and am probably better off with a keyboard as opposed to a (sharp) writing instrument.

I’m going to rewind a month or so to relate the fascinating (not really) events since officially TTC. On the 17th, had telltale signs of mittleschmirtz, or ovulation pain. This was huge since I wasn’t sure if I would ovulate after being on BCP (read the baby blogs, ok?) and Metformin for the PCOS for 11 and 6 months respectively. Within 3 days (DPO?) I started feeling funky and have gotten progressively funkier leading up to tonight. AF (baby blog talk for, period, stands for Aunt Flow, cute, huh?) is due tomorrow and we’ll see what happens. Well I have tons to say but I need some rest, I’ve suffered from insomnia for the last week. I feel like a pregnant (or severely premenstral) zombie! Oh and Tyler wants popcorn. 🙂 TTFN